Wednesday 22 December 2021

Funerary Masks Worldwide

During the research for my last post I came across numerous examples of cultural artifacts plundered from around the world, and now on display or the vaults of museums who should know better. Yes, a lot of cultural artifacts should, long have been returned to their countries of origin. Not just masks are involved, but almost every conceivable type of human-made object imaginable.

Ilama Gold Mask - Colombia

Original text from The Metropolitan Museum of Art (2021)

“Lifesize hammered masks are the largest objects produced in gold in the ancient Americas. While most masks were presumably made as burial offerings, this example, with its pierced eyes, cutout mouth, and additional holes for tying at the sides, could have been worn by an individual during life in a ritual or ceremony before being placed with his material wealth in a tomb. The mask comes from the Calima River region in southwestern Colombia, where abundant alluvial gold deposits prompted a distinguished goldworking tradition that lasted for at least 2,000 years. Hammered from a single sheet of metal of high carat gold (its alloy contains 86 percent gold, 13 percent silver, and one percent copper), Calima masks of the Ilama era are often flat, with generic details of the human face. On this example, the features are individualized with puffy bags beneath the eyes, a broad nose with flared nostrils, big, round, bulging cheeks, and a fat-lipped open mouth.”

No information on how the mask was ‘obtained’ – of course(!) and not even on display. A disgrace!


MET (2021). Funerary Mask. 5th–1st century B.C. At:

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